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Friday, October 27, 2006

You know in the movies where the clumsy (but really hot) actress is walking through the house and runs right into the sliding glass door?  And you think, "haaam gah!" (that's Taiwanese; it means ridiculous). That kind of stuff only happens in the movies!!!  Well.... I guess we must be making movies!

I was standing in the kitchen getting some water when I heard a LOUD crash....


Yes, that's right; Ying walked straight through the screen door at full speed.  She said she didn't even slow down and was confused for a moment when she hit the screen.  Don't worry, she's ok.  I took this picture after I made sure she was ok :) ... And this picture turned out really cool!  The camera's flash was off so the exposure was really long and Ying was still walking around looking at the destruction she caused.


Here's a closer picture:

You better not mess with my wife; see what she did to this door? She'll do it to YOU. My wife is the Incredible She-Hulk ... She walks through doors as if they didn't exist.



I brought the screen door back into our kitchen to survey the damage:


The damage wasn't too bad. I was able to bend it back and stuff the mesh back into the frame:


After I put the screen door back on the tracks, it just wasn't the same any more... the door doesn't close all the way, it's bent in a few places, the lock doesn't work any more and it doesn't slide very smooth.  (Before our little accident, closing the screen door was like sliding it on a stick of butter) Yes folks, we've lived here less than a month and we've begun wrecking the place. Thank you very much. 

By the way, Ying says "hi" and to be sure to write that she's baking me some banana bread right now.  I'm thinking... she's pretty good at breaking down doors. Baking something with FIRE??? She'll be FINE!!!!!! :)

And I used to wonder why screen doors never close properly...



[Update 10/29/2006]
I installed a safety device guaranteed to protect our screen door from damage... err I mean... guaranteed to protect Ying's safety!!!

Filed under: Dean and Ying | English


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